After hurricane butterflies

butterflypr at butterflypr at
Wed Aug 31 16:36:52 EDT 2011

I haven't been on the computer much--no power (or phone or water), but I have been seeing a lot of butterflies in the yard! 

Monarchs (including the two I released) 
Eastern Tiger Swallowtails 
Spicebush Swallowtails 
Great Spangled Fritillaries 
Silver Spotted Skippers 
a hairstreak that I keep forgetting to identify... 
can't remember whether I saw the Buckeye before or after the storm... 
Cabbage Whites 

And I still have about 10 Monarch caterpillars and two chrysalides in the house. 

I apologize in advance for the next newsletter probably being later than hoped for--when I'm back online at home, I will probably be putting out a call for photos--please don't send right now, my inbox is overflowing, and I can only get online if I go to the library! Also looking for articles for upcoming newsletters... 

in Chester 
100% without power 
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