[Ctleps-l] Mystery butterfly, Possible: Swarthy Skipper, Enfield, CT

Janis LaPointe sunbirdjan at cox.net
Wed Aug 8 08:45:05 EDT 2012

I am postin this set of photos to CTlep and Masslep looking for imput. 
Having researched my mystery skipper from yesterday, this is my conclusion: 
Swarthy Skipper.    Glassberg says rare in CT.  Occurs in Eastern RI.    I 
may have seen this skipper in the same area last year, and let it go as a 
possible little brown moth.   Never got a good photo, but it did look like 
it had  antannae knobs, not brushes.   These photos are definitive regarding 
the  antannae.   Tiny, tiny size, stays close to ground, doesn't fly  far. 
Brown butterfly, yellow veins.    Barred antannae.     Bars on top of  head. 
Brown head looks speckled from the side view.   One expert comment (from 
Lenny Brown) is that it is too yellow for a Swarthy.  But to the eye it 
appeaed only dull bown, all the yellow tinge appeared only in the photos. 
The garden area it was found in is in the middle of a big field.  And it's a 
very diverse, unkept garden with wild  areas.    What do you think? 
Opinions appreciated.
Janis LaPointe
Enfield, CT


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