[Ctleps-l] Belated reports - Winchester, Goshen, Windsor

Peter DeGennaro degennap at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 21:41:13 EDT 2016

Some various sightings from June that I never got around to report:

6/4 - Lenny Brown reported that we found an Aphrodite Fritillary at the Mad
River Dam in Winchester, which is a new early record by six days. Here's a
photo of the frit: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__flic.kr_p_JAfCay&d=CwIBaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=wPbNkt6T_H4X7m_PlvSFCGU2a9-csNvfRK2IVMi-mp0&m=MBCXqJHuNWhwmoe7015Ib-uLiLZ_VXflfWCGYRRE7xo&s=7Me6h6qYQuHdcD4atOPeb645yKLBGkOfUmT5XDk57mQ&e= 

I also had a flyby White Admiral at McLean Game Refuge in Granby earlier on

6/12 - Goshen WMA, Goshen - I photographed an apparent Summer Crescent:

As I understand it, they look a lot like Northern Crescents (Phyciodes
diminutor), but may be more closely related to Pearl Crescent. Otherwise,
two Silver-bordered Fritillaries were noteworthy.

6/27 - Goshen WMA, Goshen - worn Dreamy Duskywing, which is a new late date

I also had a White Admiral on the dirt road before the entrance.

6/23 - Northwest Park, Windsor - large skippers were flying in good
numbers. I counted 15 Hoary Edges, including six in in the small area
behind the second tobacco shed: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__flic.kr_p_HLCcPw&d=CwIBaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=wPbNkt6T_H4X7m_PlvSFCGU2a9-csNvfRK2IVMi-mp0&m=MBCXqJHuNWhwmoe7015Ib-uLiLZ_VXflfWCGYRRE7xo&s=QqXxXXA_CujQg1v_rt3b2K5Z1FBumliPGFzWEjWtsEg&e= 

Also around were 4 Southern Cloudywings, 7 Northern Cloudywings, a few
Silver-spotted Skippers, and 2 Gray Hairstreaks among other species. One of
the Southern Cloudywings oviposited, and I managed to find the egg:

Peter DeGennaro
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