[EAS]Primordial IT Broth
peter.kindlmann at yale.edu
Mon Jan 29 19:09:17 EST 2001
Subject: Primordial IT Broth
Comment at the end. --PJK
(from INNOVATION, 29 January 2001)
Chief executive officer, chief finance officer, chief knowledge
officer. All that leveling of the organization certainly seemed to
have added a lot of new chiefs. Where will it end? Perhaps in the
newly created position of chief experience officer. These new
professionals deliver the appropriate experience at every point of
contact a company makes with the public, says Challis Hodge, CEO at
HannaHodge, a user experience firm that recently appointed a CXO.
(User experience is defined as everything felt, observed, and learned
through awareness and interaction with a company's space, products,
services and communication.) "This CXO must understand the processes,
methods and tools necessary to understand people, and should be able
to translate that understanding into successful points of contact with
users, customers, shareholders, employees, partners and visitors,"
she says. "The CXO should be responsible for keeping the entire
organization focused on the user and the points of contact with the
user." Eventually, CXOs and related consultants will level out, she
predicts, because all employees will share those tasks. But in larger
corporate environments, she says, "I believe we'll see the adoption
and creation of the CXO position increase dramatically. Business
success will depend on it. Customers rule!" ("In Search of the Chief
Experience," Web Techniques Feb 2001)
In an interview with Peter Blacklow, senior VP-marketing at
Monster.com, one of the Web's pre-eminent job-search engines, B2B
found that -- despite the well-publicized failures of many dot-com
firms -- the market for Web employment is still strong. In September,
Monster launched ChiefMonster, a link within the site geared toward
senior executives, and more than 100,000 top execs have logged on so
far. More importantly, Blacklow says that it's not taking long for
most of them to find jobs. In fact, many Web businesses are looking
for executives with traditional business experience, having found out
the hard way that dot-coms have to start behaving like legitimate
businesses in order to be viable for the long term. "Companies are
figuring out how to be profitable and how to build a business that
just happens to take place over the Internet," he says. "To do that,
the dot-coms are looking for quality senior management with not only
brand-building skills but also the ability to generate profit."
("Internet Job Market Still a Monster," B2B Online 18 Dec 2000)
Recruiting and retaining qualified employees is an enormous challenge
in the current tight labor market, but that's not even half the
battle. For a company to succeed in the information age, it must have
employees who are paying attention, who are engaged in the company
mission and able to prioritize their work accordingly. The Institute
for the Future recently found that the average white-collar worker
daily sends and receives 190 messages via e-mail, voice, fax, mail,
etc. It's not surprising that nearly three out of four of those
workers say they feel overwhelmed by information overload. To keep
employees focused on the task at hand, "companies must... create an
environment in which those employees have both the time, plus the
relatively uninterrupted attention, to perform at peak efficiency,"
writes author Mark Patterson. At the same time, companies must be
able to capture employees' attention, a challenge made difficult by
the entrepreneurial nature of most knowledge workers. To keep them
motivated and focused, companies must modify the traditional top-down
style of management and shift to a system where employees participate
in critical decision-making. ("High-Performance Workplaced Demand New
Strategies for Management, Measurement," Site Selection Magazine Nov
Dear Colleagues -
Some glimmers of awareness that structure in the workplace might
actually be a good thing, like job definitions that derive from
sensible choices of division of labor.
Information technology doesn't bring with it the structural
perceptions that make it productive, any more than easier printing and
publishing has anything to do with editorial acuity. That's why some
publications get ever bigger and indigestible, while others (like one
of my favorites, The Economist) stay the same size and reflect more
hard-wrought editorial judgement.
The diffusion of IT-enabled jobs into each other that leads to
employees having to deal with those 190 acts of communication daily
reduces us to swimming in some primordial IT broth at a rather low
level of evolution. Perhaps we are all somebody's Darwinian
experiment, but the vocabulary of traditional business practice still
has much to teach us. Even Corporate Experience Officers and Corporate
Knowledge Officers still strike me as "jelly fish", large, soft and
transparent, in this primordial broth. Somewhere, it is to be hoped,
creatures with spines will evolve and safely crawl ashore.
All best, --Peter Kindlmann
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