[EAS]Virtually There

pjk pjk at design.eng.yale.edu
Mon Jun 25 02:23:28 EDT 2001

Subject:   Virtually There

Dear Colleagues -

It seems appropriate that the first EAS-INFO mailing after the
hiatus of my (non-virtual) travels should be one about a work-style
with which I have had strong affinity for many years now, based
largely on the effective use of email and Web access. (I have had
occasional entire weeks without a single phone call, but a lot of
work-flow via email.)

I hope your summer is going well.  --PJK

(from INNOVATION, 20 June 2001)

One successful home-business executive, who oversees two businesses
and more than a dozen employees in three states, has learned to
organize and manage his time and maximize the efforts of both
companies. For example, one of his top priorities is making sure
callers believe they're coming into a real business phone. One line
does double duty for the two companies, and he answers all business
calls with "Hi, this is Ken." Then figures out which company the
caller wants. He uses e-mail to manage his time, creating folders
for each company in Microsoft Outlook Express, then creates
subfolders for tasks in descending order of priority, from one ("Do
today") to four ("Would be nice to do sometime"). "Any task I'm
going to do comes in as an e-mail -- even if I have to send one to
myself," he says. "If I can't handle it immediately, it goes into
one of those four folders. Then whenever I have time, I start with
the ones and work down." Because of the ventures' reliance on
e-mail, the single most important requirement for any employee in
his companies is "being able to think logically and read and write
well," he says. Not necessarily grammatically but clearly and
precisely. He and his partners look for motivated, articulate
people who are more likely to adapt quickly to the companies'
ethereal culture. Virtual-company employees don't have to be
introverts or insomniacs -- but it helps. In fact, he says, "Night
owls are ideal. They're typically used to isolation, and those can
be very productive hours when the rest of the world sleeps."
("Stay-At-Home CEO Raises Twins," Inc. Magazine 15 June 2001)

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