[EAS]Scholarly e-Publishing

pjk pjk at design.eng.yale.edu
Tue Oct 1 00:05:41 EDT 2002

Subject:   Scholarly e-Publishing

Related to copyright and fair use is scholarly publishing in
electronic form.  Here is a welcome group of annotated articles
about the field, which has much evolved. Some of its aspects offer
remedies for the intellectual arteriosclerosis of commercial print
journals.  --PJK
from CIT INFOBITS	September 2002		No. 51		ISSN 1521-9275


Recent articles and papers on the topic of electronic scholarly
publishing include:

"Talking Past Each Other: Making Sense of the Debate over Electronic
Publication" by David J. Solomon
FIRST MONDAY, vol. 7, no. 8, August 2002

The paper discusses how electronic dissemination affects the three
core functions of the peer-review system for scholarly publications:
"the ranking of scholarship, facilitating interactive communication
among scholars, and creating a comprehensive archive of scholarly
and scientific knowledge."

First Monday [ISSN: 1396-0466] is an online, peer-reviewed journal
whose aim is to publish original articles about the Internet and the
global information infrastructure. It is published in cooperation
with the University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago. For
more information, contact: First Monday, c/o Edward Valauskas, Chief
Editor, PO Box 87636, Chicago IL 60680-0636 USA; email: ejv at uic.edu;
Web: http://firstmonday.dk/


"The Use of Electronic-Only Journals in Scientific Research" by
Richard D. Llewellyn, Lorraine J. Pellack, and Diana D. Shonrock

The article surveys the state of "e-only" journals and their growing
acceptance in the scientific research community. The authors touch
upon the perceived impermanence of electronic materials, problems
with citing these materials, and considerations, especially for
libraries, for further study.

Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship [ISSN: 1092-1206]
covers materials of interest to science and technology librarians.
It is published quarterly by the Science & Technology Section of the
Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL). For more
information, contact: Andrea L. Duda, Editor; email: aduda at istl.org;
Web: http://www.istl.org/
For more information about ACRL, link to http://www.ala.org/acrl/


"Scholarly Reviews Through the Web" by Sarah Milstein
NEW YORK TIMES, August 12, 2002

The article describes how publishers of peer-reviewed journals are
using the Web to streamline the review process.

For more online New York Times articles, link to


The October 2002 issue of CITES & INSIGHTS: CRAWFORD AT LARGE
includes several articles on scholarly publication:

"Who's Going to Preserve E-Zine Content?"
"Ebooks and Etext"
"The Access Puzzle: Notes on Scholarly Communication"

The issue is available on the Web (in PDF format) at

Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large [ISSN 1534-0937] is a free,
online newsletter self-published by Walt Crawford, a senior analyst
at the Research Libraries Group, Inc. Current and back issues are
available on the Web at http://home.att.net/~wcc.techx/
For more information contact: Walt Crawford, The Research Libraries
Group, Inc., 1200 Villa Street, Mountain View, CA 94041-1100 USA;
tel: 650-691-2227; email: wcc at notes.rlg.org; Web:

also see

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