[EAS]Post-Tenure Reviews
pjk at design.eng.yale.edu
Wed Oct 23 16:32:48 EDT 2002
Mail*Link¨ SMTP Post-Tenure Reviews
Dear Colleagues -
Tenure usually elevates faculty into the higher levels of governance
in their home institution and their world-wide professional peer
group. Sometimes they respond with great enthusiasm to this new
dimension of political identity and power, this new cherished asset,
which they like to show off, to polish, to use to send a message:
"Look at me, they say, I've managed to become myself, to be
distinct, unique, unlike you."
All usually to the detriment of thoughtful intellectual contribution
within their institution, especially to the, by then, even more
"unlike" undergraduate education aspects. One realizes with wonder
the degree to which faculty can live in parallel, largely
disconnected, universes within the same institution, even the same
department. Such communication as does take place between such
universes is a complex polyglotism of several different languages,
each useful to transmit a different meaning and to communicate about
a different type of specialization.
Assessing intellectual contribution _within_ the institution strikes
me as one of several good reasons for instituting post-tenure review
processes, the subject of this mailing on the Tomorrow's Professor
Date: 10/23/02 5:37 AM
From: Rick Reis
"...academic departments like to think that they hire well, evaluate
well early on, and award tenure to people who will function well to
the end of their careers."
"desk-top faculty development, one hundred times a year"
The posting below looks at the development of posttenure review and
the many different forms it is now taking. It is from Chapter 1, Why
is development of tenured faculty a concern? in Posttenure Faculty
Development, Building a System for Faculty Improvement and
Appreciation, by Jeffrey W. Alsete. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report
Volume 27. Number 4, Adrianna J. Kezar, series editor. Prepared and
published by JOSSEY-BASS, A Wiley Company, San Francisco. Copyright ©
2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted with permission.
Rick Reis
reis at stanford.edu
UP NEXT: Balancing Teaching and Research
Tomorrow's Academia
----------------------------- 1,906 words ---------------------------
Jeffrey W. Alsete
pp. 8-11.
In 1986, one writer believed that performance evaluation for tenured
faculty was so controversial that it could not be discussed openly in
most colleges and universities (Reisman, 1986). He compared it with
the situation that occurs in psychotherapy when patients ignore a
central reality, one that seems obvious and important, in their
personal situation; therapists refer to it as "the elephant in the
room" (p.73). Although many universities had some form of performance
evaluation of faculty-annual reviews for salary increments, students'
evaluation of courses, periodic reviews for promotion, for
example-only a small number of universities actually had a formal
institutional policy. The Association of American Colleges (AAC) and
the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), which
sponsored the Commission on Academic Tenure in 1971, recommended
corrections for the deficiencies in the tenure system (Bennett and
Chater, 1984); several recommendations were related to evaluating
tenured faculty members. Posttenure review began to really emerge as
an issue in the early 1980s.
In 1982, the National Commission on Higher Education Issues
identified posttenure review as a major issue facing higher education
and recommended that a system of peer review be developed on campuses
to help ensure faculty members' competence and to strengthen
institutional quality (Licata, 1986). At the urging of the American
Council on Education, a Wingspread Conference on periodic evaluation
of tenured faculty was held in 1983 in cooperation with the AAUP
(Reisman, 1986). The conference invited both proponents and opponents
(such as the AAUP) of posttenure review to voice their beliefs.
Harold Shapiro, then president of the university of Michigan, pointed
out faculty members' fundamental concerns about this issue, noting
that tenure is an anchor so ingrained in faculty perceptions of their
roles that the academic community would be diminished and even
ruptured by posttenure review. In fact, he went so far as to say that
it is suspect for a university administrator or trustee to even
speculate formally about the subject. Although it appeared that the
elephant in the room was still invisible to many attendees at the
Wingspread Conference, Shapiro concluded that periodic evaluation of
tenured faculty was good personnel policy and can play a nurturing
role in faculty development (Reisman, 1986). The awarding of and
continued existence of tenure is not really the central issue in the
current debates about tenure. The real issues today are honest
faculty evaluation, including posttenure review; adequate faculty
development, including posttenure development; and termination when
appropriate, linked to effective evaluation (Perley, 1995). This
monograph includes examples of how posttenure review and faculty
development can work together, yet not be formally connected, to
improve faculty instruction, intellectual contributions, and service.
Professor Charles M. Larsen was actually the one who introduced a
"different kind of posttenure review, a system better termed
development" (Reisman, 1986, p.76). Larson believed that the focus of
such a review would be on the positive goals of faculty support and
improvement, not just on the negative procedures designed to weed out
individuals who may not be living up to their responsibilities. The
concept of using performance evaluation for developmental purposes
rather than for decisions about promotion, salary, or termination is
not a new concept in the education literature, and the idea of two
types of evaluation is discussed in a series of articles appearing in
the 1960s (Reisman, 1986, p.77). A distinction can be made between
formative evaluation designed to provide useful feedback to guide an
ongoing activity designed for improvement and summative evaluation
"aimed at answering a question in a final or terminal way" (Geis,
1977, p.25). Similarly, two types of posttenure review have been
termed "self evaluation" (formative) and "formal evaluation"
(summative (Sullivan, 1977, pp. 130-148). An earlier ASHE-ERIC
Higher Education Report offered an overview of the factors
influencing posttenure review, stated the support and opposition, and
gave then current examples at colleges and universities (Licata,
1986). The report concluded that faculty development programs should
be linked to a posttenure evaluation system. In other words, the
formative should be linked to the summative. This strategy, while
logical at first reading, goes against established management theory
stating that evaluation should be separate from development (Meyer,
Kay, and French, 1965). Research has shown that it is unrealistic to
expect a single performance appraisal program to take care of all
employee and institutional needs. A linked strategy would force the
evaluator into a self-conflicting role as a counselor (trying to help
improve faculty performance) while at the same time presiding as a
judge over the action to be taken on the same professor's salary.
Separating the two functions could also avoid the potential problem
with some faculty who may set their professional development goals
too low if they know serious consequences would result from not
achieving them. A later work also discusses the need for posttenure
review and expands the definition to include five different methods:
1. Annual reviews-A short-term performance assessment that is common
at many institutions and is often linked to merit pay. In some
settings, these reviews are perfunctory and not effective at
providing feedback for long-term career development and overall
2. Summative (periodic/consequential)-A comprehensive review of all
tenured faculty conducted periodically. Improved plans are used and
the results are assessed with consequences for nonperformance.
3. Summative (triggered/consequential)-The comprehensive review of
selected tenured faculty that is usually triggered by unsatisfactory
4. Formative (departmental)-A review centering on the establishment
of a professional development plan emphasizing the institution's
needs and individual faculty members' career interests. Developed
with the department head or dean.
5. Formative (individual)-Periodic review of all tenured faculty
focusing on specific performance areas and long-term career goals.
This option does not question competence and does not include formal
personnel action (Licata and Morreale, 1997).
According to Licata and Morreale, the most useful system of
posttenure review is a combination of Option 2
(summative-periodic/consequential) and Option 4
(formative-departmental) (p.36). Other research has shown that
performance evaluation of tenured faculty is perceived (by a survey
of department chairs and administrators) to be more effective than
reports completed by faculty or departmental reviews, and that
developmental reviews are perceived to be more effective than those
tied to salary reviews (Reisman, 1986). In addition, faculty
performance in scholarship or research is believed to be more easily
influenced by development strategies than the teaching or service
components of faculty performance, probably because research by its
nature can be more easily quantified that the more ambiguous quality
assessment of postsecondary teaching and service to the community.
Critics of posttenure evaluation and development must understand that
it is the performance (usually research, teaching, and service) of
the tenured individual under evaluation (or development), not the
tenure of the individual (Bennet and Chater, 1984). Although tenure
itself is indeed under attack in many ways, it is more often a change
or addition to tenure-such as adding posttenure review
procedures-that is occurring today. One recent survey of 680 colleges
and universities found that 61% of respondents had a posttenure
review policy in place and that another 9% had such a policy under
development (Harris, 1996).
These numbers are not surprising, given the increase in the public's
calls for accountability and the decrease in budgets at many state
colleges and universities. (Goodman, 1994). In addition, the
federally mandated uncapping of the retirement age for college and
university faculty that went into effect January 1, 1994, has added
to the reasons that posttenure review is becoming more common. Many
faculty are understandably worried, for "tenure does not provide an
absolute right to continue employment. The periodic review of faculty
performance is one manner of addressing the ever present need to
ensure excellence in the university" (Olswang and Fantel, 1980, p.
30). Moreover, periodic reviews would not violate academic freedom,
despite the pleas of many faculty to keep tenure as it is (Olswang
and Fantel, 1980). Nevertheless, a faculty member at Colorado College
points out that a system of formal posttenure review would cause the
faculty to become angry (Cramer, 1997), believing that tenure review
is a very high stress time for individuals and that academic
departments like to think that they hire well, evaluate well early
on, and award tenure to people who will function well to the end of
their careers (see also Brittain, 1992).
The AAUP is moving toward a more positive opinion of posttenure
review, with faculty development as the primary goal. The
association's current policy, adopted in 1983, states that periodic
formal evaluation of tenured faculty would bring little benefit and
would incur unacceptable costs in money and time, and reduce
creativity and collegial relationships (American Association of
University Professors, 1997). The association also believes it could
threaten academic freedom. A more recent report on the subject,
however, issued by the AAUP's Committee on Academic Freedom and
Tenure, admits that posttenure review is rapidly becoming a reality
and that the association might as well create a set of guidelines for
the establishment of a system for the periodic evaluation of tenured
faculty (American Association of University Professors, 1997). The
report states that if such a system is designed and implemented by
the faculty in a form that properly protects academic freedom and
tenure, it could offer a way of evaluating tenured faculty that
supports professional development as well as professional
responsibility. Subsection IV.B. of "Standards for Good Practice in
Post-Tenure Review" suggest that posttenure reviews should be
developmental and supported by institutional resources for
professional development or a change in career direction (p.11). The
AAUP also suggests that if a formal development plan is used instead
of posttenure review, the faculty and institution should mutually
create the plan. The AAUP seems to support the separation of
evaluation and development. It makes sense that a formal system of
posttenure review that has strong consequences for nonperformance not
be tied to a professional development plan. Thus, faculty could plan
high achievement goals with less fear of repercussion if they do not
achieve those high goals.
As for faculty that are tenured, the continuous review through a
formal evaluation and faculty development planning systems could be a
constructive way to maintain the vitality of senior professors in a
rapidly changing environment (Rice, 1996). It should be a time for
feedback and acknowledgement from colleagues, supervisors, and others
in a profession that is usually very private. Once a faculty member
has achieved tenure and been promoted, fewer regular opportunities
may occur for self-analysis. These processes of reviewing senior
faculty have "the potential for supporting resilient careers and the
adaptability of faculty for what should be the capstone of their
professional lives" (p.31). Senior professors are not the only
faculty who made need posttenure review and development, however.
Relatively younger tenured faculty occasionally may not be interested
in research, intellectual contributions, and, in general, changing
their professional environment to help improve their performance and
the institution-which may be one of the reasons that posttenure
review policies are becoming more popular today in different types of
institutions (Magner, 1996). Some of the impetus has come from state
legislators, board of trustees, and colleges and universities
themselves. A common theme in many of the articles, reports, and
statements about posttenure review is the importance, when assessing
practices of evaluation, of determining a program's outcomes and
effectiveness in promoting faculty development and productivity
(Licata and Morreale, 1997; Neal, 1988). Clearly, a need exists to
look further at the development of responsible and effective faculty
evaluation and development systems that consider enhancing the growth
of the faculty member (Rifkin, 1995).
References available on request.
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