[EAS] MIT's OpenCourseWare

pjk pjk at design.eng.yale.edu
Thu Mar 25 00:15:28 EST 2004

Subject:   MIT's OpenCourseWare

Dear Colleagues -

I've pointed you to this resource before, last in 2002, at
<http://jove.eng.yale.edu/pipermail/eas-info/2002/000547.html>, where
I also mention other course/syllabus portals.

At that time, there weren't a lot of MIT courses online yet, and the
feedback I got from some of you doubted the promise of the enterprise.

At about 500 courses now, look again: <http://ocw.mit.edu/index.html>

E.g. I find a lot of useful material in my EE area
there are MIT Sloan School courses, and interesting ones in the
Science, Technology and Society program where our EE alum David
Mindell teaches.

In another two years this archive of complete course materials will
become a standard by which engineering education is judged.


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