[EAS] Catalog Madness
Peter J. Kindlmann
pjk at design.eng.yale.edu
Wed Dec 5 02:48:43 EST 2007
A little late to send you this, but still worth a try. --PJK
Stop the Catalog Madness with Catalog Choice
by Adam C. Engst <ace at tidbits.com>
article link: <http://db.tidbits.com/article/9232>
Discussing ways of lightening your mailbox's load of paper catalogs
in TidBITS may seem a bit unusual, but remember that one of the
reasons Tonya and I started TidBITS back in 1990 was to provide an
online alternative to weekly technology magazines like MacWEEK. Many
of those magazines have disappeared in favor of publishing news
online, and although most retailers now sell online too, the
onslaught of paper catalogs, particularly around the holiday season
(now starting in September!) seems to have increased. Don't believe
me? There are now 19 billion paper catalogs mailed to U.S. consumers
annually, consuming over 8 million tons of paper each year.
We've long tried to reduce our catalog load by calling catalog
companies and asking to be removed, faxing the back page of the
catalog with the mailing label on it to the company with a request
to be removed, and using the Direct Marketing Association's Mail
Preference Service (which apparently now costs $1). I'm sure it has
helped, but the holiday catalog flood is starting anew.
Thanks to long-time TidBITS reader Matt Henderson of MakaluMedia for
alerting me to a new service his company has launched in conjunction
with the Ecology Center. Called Catalog Choice, it's an extremely
slick Web site that automates the process of asking merchants to
remove us from their catalog mailing lists. It's entirely free, and
although it remains to be seen how effective it is (it can take up
to six weeks to be removed), I rather enjoyed finding catalogs and
asking to be removed in the Catalog Choice system. If nothing else,
it felt like I was doing something productive.
So far, Catalog Choice has proven quite popular, with over 250,000
people opting out of more than 3 million individual catalogs. And
we've quite enjoyed using it - after school, Tonya and Tristan sit
down with the daily haul and opt out of nearly every catalog we
receive - 57 so far. We even do this with catalogs from companies we
like because Catalog Choice records which catalogs have been
declined and includes links to the associated Web sites, making it
easy to order in the future.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not opposed to the concept of paper
catalogs in general. In fact, I often find them more effective at
conveying information and more enjoyable to browse than online
catalogs. But I want to be in control of which catalogs I receive,
and I absolutely hate receiving new catalogs from the same companies
every few weeks. For instance, until we managed to beat them off,
Victoria's Secret seemed to think we were members of the Lingerie of
the Week Club. One or two catalogs a year would be more than
sufficient, thank you very much, and if I like them, I'll keep them
around until I get a new one. Of course, I'm old enough to remember
the yearly Sears, Montgomery Ward, and JCPenney catalogs that
provided hours of youthful consumer lustfulness and that were heavy
enough to be duct-taped into boat anchors.
But in this day and age, I just want most catalog companies to leave
me alone. If Catalog Choice can do that, reduce the environmental
impact of catalogs, and even save the merchants from wasting
catalogs on me, we all win.
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