questions concerning film, video and Laser disc sources

MileFilms at MileFilms at
Thu Nov 20 10:32:05 EST 1997

Dear Barak,

We have at least one new film from Japan you might be interested in. It's
Maborosi from Kore-eda Hirokazu. It's a wonderful film (we all fell in love
with it when we saw it in Canada a year or so ago) and opened it at the
Lincoln Plazas a year ago September. We also are coming out this
winter/spring with Kitano Takeshi's Hana-Bi (now named Fireworks) as well as
some of his earlier films, but they won't be available for college rental
until next summer or Fall.

If you'd like to email us your address, we'll send you our catalog.

Dennis Doros
Milestone Film

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