questions concerning film, video and Laser disc sources

Kerry Smith Kerry_Smith at
Thu Nov 20 12:43:29 EST 1997

Dear Mr. Doros,

If you meant this offer of a catalog to extend to the whole list,  as I
hope you did,  please sign me up.

My mailing address is:

Kerry Smith
Box N
Department of History
Brown University
Providence,  RI  02912

Thanks very much,

>Dear Barak,
>We have at least one new film from Japan you might be interested in. It's
>Maborosi from Kore-eda Hirokazu. It's a wonderful film (we all fell in love
>with it when we saw it in Canada a year or so ago) and opened it at the
>Lincoln Plazas a year ago September. We also are coming out this
>winter/spring with Kitano Takeshi's Hana-Bi (now named Fireworks) as well as
>some of his earlier films, but they won't be available for college rental
>until next summer or Fall.
>If you'd like to email us your address, we'll send you our catalog.
>Dennis Doros
>Milestone Film

Kerry Smith
Department of History
Brown University
(401) 863-1246
(401) 863-1040 (fax)

Kerry_Smith at

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