Kawase news

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Thu Oct 30 17:50:05 EST 1997

I guess KineJapan is just as good a place as any other for some 
occasional star gossip:

Kawase Naomi announced in a press conference on Thursday that she has 
married Sento Takenori, her producer for _Moe no suzaku_ (which is 
opening this weekend) and producer for the J-Movie Wars series.

There had been rumors floating around about this (especially among us 
that know her), but what was surprising was the way it was announced.  A 
Press Conference!  And the press did come.  Here was an 8mm personal film 
director whom no one had ever heard about 6 months ago and now the Hochi 
Shinbun devoted dearly a page (the second to last page--a prime spot for 
celebrety news coverage) to her announcement.

Naomi-chan's become a geinojin.  Let's hope it doesn't spoil her.  

And let's wish her the best.


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