
BEAT FREY 100771.1044
Sat Apr 11 18:52:19 EDT 1998

Dear All,

Congratulations for the Kinejapan site, which I was very happy to discover.
Following some data on my person:

Beat Frey

Living place:
Geneva, Switzerland


-1.MA in German language and literature; 2.Japanese language and
literature; 3.General history;
 all at Geneva University
-Foreign language education at Tokyo University
-Film analysis at the Cultural Activities section of Geneva University

Activites concerning Japanese film:
-Co-organization of annual retrospectives of recent Japanese movies in
Geneva together
 with the Japanese Consulate and the Cine-club universitaire (very small
program, as is the city!)
-Occasional interviews (with Ogata Ken on his collaboration with Imamura
Shohei and Oguri Kohei on
 his film "Nemuru otoko")
-Japanese-french translation of the script of Imamura's "Kamigami no fukaki
yokubo" and attempts to 
 analyze the movie - if anyone would like to discuss it, I would be most
grateful. I intend to
 submit the translation and the analysis as a MA thesis at Geneva
University, but Imamura's films
 are not easy to grasp.

I am looking forward to sharing our views.


There is a program of 33 Japanese films of the 90's being shown in several
Swiss cities during the month of April. The complete list is available in
German language at

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