Nagato Hiroyuki filmography

Edward Fowler ebfowler
Tue Dec 22 13:51:32 EST 1998

And isn't Tsugawa Masahiko Nagato's brother?  
Ted Fowler

On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow wrote:

> I do want to add that Nagato is part of the "royal family" (I guess you 
> could call it) of Japanese cinema.  His grandfather was Makino Shozo, the 
> "father" of Japanese cinema; his mother Makino Tomoko (an actress); his 
> father Sawamura Kunitaro (an actor: he's the Tono-sama in Yamanaka's 
> _Tange Sazen Hyakuman Ryo no Tsubo_); his uncle on his mother's side 
> Makino Masahiro (the great director); his uncle on his father's side Kato 
> Daisuke (from so many Kurosawa films).  Nagato's wife is the prolific 
> actress Minamida Yoko.  The Makino family continues today, of course, 
> with the Makino in Okinawa who's given birth (figuratively) to Amuro, 
> Speed, Max and a bunch of other girl groups and singers.

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