Source for Japanese Videos

Robert Stuhr stuhr
Tue Dec 22 19:17:35 EST 1998

At 18:27 22.12.1998 +0000, you wrote:
>hard-to-find Japanese videos, the best English-language source I've found  is
>applet company "".  Although they specialize
mainly in
>movie posters, if you ask them, they can search for Japanese videos in Japan.
>They have even been able locate some Japanese videos for me that are no
>being distributed (such as Ashizuri Misaki).  I hope this helps you out.
>Howard Frye

I would want to add Reliable and fast service, accepts
credit cards. On their website
they only offer music, but they also get you any tape, DVD, LD in print if
you provide them the 
order number. I got two Obayashi films recently.

Robert Stuhr

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