Nagato Hiroyuki filmography
Michael Raine
Wed Dec 23 14:09:30 EST 1998
Here's the message to which Aaron was replying. As he notes, Nagato is part
of an extended family of film people, a "geinojin ikka" as the
encyclopedias always note. On that topic, what do people think about the
family relations in the film business? There are plenty of Drew Barrymore's
and Michael Douglas' in the American film industry, but are there more Sada
Keiji-Nakai Kiichi (not to mention the Matsu brood) type connections in the
Japanese entertainment world? Do anyone think this has had an effect on the
kind of films that get made?
Nagato was indeed prolific: the Japanese movie database lists almost 200
films! I don't know much about Nagato's career before he joined Nikkatsu in
1955 but perhaps I can satisfy some of Arnault's interest. His first
incarnation at Nikkatsu was as a "taiyo boy" like Kawaguchi Hiroshi at
Daiei. He starred in Taiyo no kisetsu (the sister picture to Kurutta
kajitsu, mentioned in Donald Richie's review of Stephen Cremin's book and
on the list recently) but was superseded by Ishihara Yujiro. He played
second fiddle to Yujiro in films such as Washi to taka and Nikui
anchikusho. He said in an interview that he appeared in those Imamura films
(Nusumareta yokujo, Hateshi naki yokubo, Nianchan) made in the "shakaibu"
because he couldn't get the action film roles he wanted. If you like
Nagato's performances, perhaps you might also enjoy those of his younger
brother, Tsugawa Masahiko, who many regard as the more effective performer.
I guess Tsugawa's latest role was Pride -- I saw that it was one of the top
10 films last year but haven't read any criticism on the film. How was it
At 18:39 98/12/23 +0800, you wrote:
>Thank you to Aaron for this additional information on Nagato Hiroyuki.
>Since the message is named " Re: Nagato Hiroyuki filmography " and that
>Aaron mentioned that he wants to "add" something, I am wondering whether
>soemone has prevouisly posted the a.m. filmograhy.
>If it is the case, I have not received this message. could someone re-sedn
>this post. Thanks
>Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow <onogerow at> on 22/12/98 22:24:46
>Please respond to KineJapan at
>To: KineJapan at
>cc: (bcc: Arnault CASTEL/Banking/ASIA/BANQUE_INDOSUEZ/FR)
>Subject: Re: Nagato Hiroyuki filmography
>I do want to add that Nagato is part of the "royal family" (I guess you
>could call it) of Japanese cinema. His grandfather was Makino Shozo, the
>"father" of Japanese cinema; his mother Makino Tomoko (an actress); his
>father Sawamura Kunitaro (an actor: he's the Tono-sama in Yamanaka's
>_Tange Sazen Hyakuman Ryo no Tsubo_); his uncle on his mother's side
>Makino Masahiro (the great director); his uncle on his father's side Kato
>Daisuke (from so many Kurosawa films). Nagato's wife is the prolific
>actress Minamida Yoko. The Makino family continues today, of course,
>with the Makino in Okinawa who's given birth (figuratively) to Amuro,
>Speed, Max and a bunch of other girl groups and singers.
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