Shochiku permissions

Sarah Teasley batgirl
Mon Feb 16 23:21:29 EST 1998

Quick question:

I'm using stills from several 1930s Shochiku Kamata, Shochiku Ofuna and Daic
hi Eiga films for a paper for publication, and am assuming that I need permi
ssion from Shochiku and Daiichi Eiga (or whoever handles "Naniwa Elegy" righ
ts) to reproduce these images, but am not sure who to contact regarding  per
missions.  If any KineJapan members who have used images from 1930s Japanese
films in publications in the past and know who to contact and how best to go
about obtaining permissions could pass along this information, I would be ne
ar-eternally grateful.

Many  thanks in advance,

Sarah Teasley
Ochanomizu University, Tokyo
batgirl at

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