
Peter B. High j45843a
Fri Jan 30 03:10:18 EST 1998

In message <199801281520.KAA26793 at>
   "Re: Self-introduction"
   "Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow <onogerow at>" wrote:

> Reglindis Helmer wrote,
> >My other request concerns the kind of material I am looking for. As a
> >big and important production af that time, made to commemorate the first
> >anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbour and the beginning of the
> >Pacific war, articles on 'Hawai Maree oki kaisen' must have appeared in
> >nearly every newspaper of the country - therefore I would be very
> >grateful for any suggestions about journals, newspapers and authors
> >which are especially worth looking for!
> For magazines:
> Kinema junpo (though note that government regulations forced it to be 
> called Eiga junpo after 1941)
> Eiga hyoron
> Nihon eiga
> are probably the big three you should look at for Japanese films.  (The 
> government "rationalized" film magazines in 1941, so there were fewer 
> left by that time.)
> For newspapers, the Asahi shinbun is the easiest to look at since most 
> places have it in either shukusatsuban or on microfilm and the 
> shukusatsuban has an index.  For others, check out the Yomiuri shinbun 
> and the Mainichi.  I forget when the Miyako shinbun stopped publishing, 
> but they did do extensive film reporting.
> As for authors, Yamamoto Kajiro has written several autobiographical 
> works, so those might be a place to start.  The one on my bookshelf, his 
> _Katsudoya jitaden_ (Shobunsha Shuppanbu, 1972), has a 30 page chapter on 
> the film.  Also check out some of the Toho company histories and books on 
> Tsuburaya Eiichi.
> Good luck with your research.
> Aaron Gerow
> Yokohama National University
*****Thanks for not mentioning my book, Aaron!*****

 To Reglindis Helmer--

You should check the footnotes for Chapter 11 (Tamashii no Shimpo--Aratanaru Seishinshugi 
Eiga) in my TEKOKU NO GINMAKU (Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai, 1995, ISBN-8158-1263 C3074 
P4994E). The chapter itself covers certain aspects of the production of HAWAI-MAREI OKI 
KAISEN, fitting it into a genre of films termed "Seishinshugi (spirit-ist)" films. Although I don`t 
do an exhaustive survey of all the contemporary journalism on the subject, it is I believe the 
most authoritative lead for starting a more exhaustive study.

Peter B. High
Nagoya University

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