Best Japanese Films

Li Hoo Cheong lbhcli
Thu Jun 11 21:33:11 EDT 1998

Dear list members

I need help on the following two queries.

1) A Japanese book with the likely title of <Nihon eiga no koken>
   (Contribution of the Japanese cinema) was published in 1995 or
   1996, on the occasion of the 8th Tokyo International Film Festival
   and the 100 anniversary of the birth of the cinema, resulting from
   an invitation by Hasumi Shigehiko and Yamane Sadao to 130 directors,
   critics and filmmakers worldwide to select their best Japanese films.
   If anyone knows about this volume, may I have its exact title, 
   its editor(s), publisher, and date of publication please.

2) Is there any official or accepted ranking of Japanese universities?
   This may be beyond the scope of this group, but those teaching and
   working in Japan may know about this.


H. C. Li
lbhcli at 

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