Call for encyclopedia contributions

Abe-Nornes amnornes
Fri May 8 02:53:21 EDT 1998

I have been asked to post this call for contributions by Nina Cornyetz. She
is editing the Japanese film entries for a new encyclopedia of postwar
Japan. If you are interested in contributing, contact her directly at:  
percysun at

Any thoughts on the selections? Any thoughts on why there are so many
encyclopedias of Japanese this and that these days (a question raised by
one of our lurkers)? 



Total: 86 entries. 
1 of 2500 words
the rest varied between 1000, 500, 250 and 100 depending on entry

1. Film History Overview:                       lead essay, 2500 words     
                                                [Matsuura Hisaki]
2- 8 topics:  
        representations of women in film (including haha mono, etc) 250
        women working in the industry  (excluding actors)
                                         [Markus Nornes]        250        
        representations of minorities (buraku; korean; etc.) 250
                (including swallowtail)
                [include, or not, non-fiction? include films on Ainu,
                references to Ainu,  Mothra]    
        film censorship overview, [Aaron Gerow] 250 
        economics of the industry overview, [Aaron Gerow] 250 
        homosexuality in film (including foreign imports) 250
        emergence of a queer filmmaking 250                                
9. Film Studios:                overview
        including: Shochiku;  Nouvelle Vague; Nikkatsu; T$BQF(Bi                
        Japan Art Theatre Guild
        independent productions

10. Film Awards:        (overview)      250 words                          
                    ( 250)
        [including major J. awards plus fetstival film reception  Cannes, etc.]

11. Western criticism of Japanese film  (overview)                         
            ( 500)
        (including Noel Burch, Stephen Heath, Donald Richie,
        David Bordwell)
12. Japanese film criticism  (overview)                                    
        including: Iwasaki Akira; Matsumoto Toshio, Imamura
        Taihei, Matsuura Hisaki, Yamane Sadao, and others.                      
        [including references to major journals] [POSSIBLE (IJexpansion to
        1000 words] 

13- 20 Individual Japanese critic entries:
        Sato Tadao                              100     
        Ueno Koshi                              100
        Yomota Inuhiko                  100
        Hasumi Shigehiko                        100
        Iwamoto Kenji                   100                                
21- 32 Film (IRGenres(IS              separate entries
pinku eiga/nikkatsu roman poruno        250     [Ann or Chris.] 
sword movies (chambara)                 250
Documentaries                           250     [Markus Nornes]
Jidai geki - rekishi eiga                       250
War movies (on WWII)                    250
        (include: nikudan; emperors
        naked army)
taiyozoku/ seishun                      250     [Michael Raine]
experimental                            250     [Markus Nornes]
shochiku/non-shochiku nouvelle vague 250
comedy                                  250 
Tora san                                        100
yakuza                                  100
kaiju eiga                                      100                             
Nikkatsu Action                         100     [Aaron Gerow]?  

33 - 52 Directors:              100 - 500, depending
        [no anime: that is a separate editor]
        33      Imamura Shohei          500             
        34      Kurosawa Akira          500                             
        35      Ozu Yasujiro            500     [Nina]                  
        36      Itami Juzo                      500     [Michael Raine] 
        37      Mizoguchi                       500     [Nina]          
        38      Shinoda Masahiro                500     [Michael Raine]
        39      Oshima Nagisa           500     [Michael Raine]
        40      Naruse Mikio            250
        41      Hani Susumu             250
        42      Terayama Shuji          250
        43      Suzuki Seijun           250     [Aaron Gerow]?
        44      Ichikawa Kon            100     [Michael Raine]
        45      Kobayashi Masaki                100
        46      Teshigahara Hiroshi     100
        47      Yoshida Yoshishige      100     [Michael Raine]
        48      Kitano Takeshi [Beato]  100     [Aaron Gerow]
        49      Morita Yoshimitsu               100     [Michael Raine]
        50      Imai Tadashi            100     [Michael Raine]
        51      Makino Masahiro         100
        52      Ogawa Shinsuke          100
        53      Kawashima Juzo          100     [Aaron Gerow]
        54      Kamei Fumio             100
        55      Shindo Kaneto           100
        56      Fukasaku Kinji          100
(Alternates for directors: Kato Tai, Masumura Yasuzo, Wakamatsu Koji,
Kumashiro Tatsumi Tsuchimoto Noriaki) - If someone wants to replace one
of the 100 word director entries with one of these, its possible, let me

57 - 66 Actors:                                 100 each
        Mifune Toshiro
        Takamine Hideko                 [Aaron Gerow]?
        Wakao Ayako                     [Aaron Gerow]?
        Hara Setsuko 
        Matsuda Yusaku
        Ishihara Yujiro                 [Michael Raine]
        Yoshinaga Sayuri
        Shimura Takashi                 [Michael Raine]
        Takakura Ken                    [Aaron Gerow]?
        Ichikawa Raizo                  [Aaron Gerow]?
`       Katsu Shintaro                  [Aaron Gerow]?

67 - 86 Films:          20 @    100 each
        Ikiru or Rashomon?
        Tokyo Story
        Double Suicide                  [Nina]
        Death by Hanging / Night and Fog in Japan (which one?)
        The Island                              [Nina]
        Woman in the Dunes              [Nina]
        Eros Plus Massacre
        In the Realm of the Senses
        Pigs and Battleships            [Michael Raine]
        The Iron Man
        Kurutta kajitsu (crazed fruit)  [Aaron Gerow]?
        Nihon no higeki (Japanese Tragedy)[Aaron Gerow]?
        Minamata: Kanja-san to sono sekai       [Aaron Gerow]?
                [Minamata: Patients and their world]
        Taifu Kurabu (Typhoon club)             [Aaron Gerow]?
        Ni tsutsumarete (Enveloped)             [Aaron Gerow]?
(plus 3 from the following: Seishun zankoku monogatari; Man(IUin densha;
Arashi o yobu otoko; Moju; Manji; Chijin no ai; Kyupora no aru machi)

87. Film, Literature, screenplay  overview:     (500 words)                
            ( 500)

88. Japan Thru the Western Lens :  (overview, 1000 words)                  
        [including Hollywood, European, etc.] [rising sun; shogun;
        mad max in Japan; blade runner; early Lumiere shots of Japan;
        Pillow Book, Tokyo-Ga (Wim Winders), Sans Soleil (Chris Marker), 
        Hiroshima, Mon Amour (Resnais). Orientalism: including M. Butterfly

89. Japan and Asia: (Asian Images of Japan)
        Overview        (IJJ500 words                                     
        (Korean, Hong Kong, China, etc.)
        [Earl Jackson?]

90. Japan and Asia (Japanese images of Asia) 
        overview, 500 words                                                
Japanese productions on China, like Tun-Huang
Kurosawa's Dersu Uzala, Oshima's Merry Christmas, plus others

                                        Total Words Film Entries:          

Deadlines: by May 8, : list firm, 50% assigned
                entries in by September, 1998

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