video documentaries and experimental video

Josiah Luke Winn jlwinn
Thu Nov 5 04:43:37 EST 1998

Hi everyone,
I'm writing to ask for some advice on starting a monthly screening of
works originated and to be shown on video.
I would like to show one or two videos a month and am organising this
without any institutional support.  In fact, the idea came about because
of the severe lack of anything interesting being shown in my area (Saga,
Kyushu, Japan), so I hope to rent space for screenings and obtain videos
with permission to show them publicly.  I'm primarily interested
documentaries and experimental works from Japan. Suggestions for works
from outside of
Japan would be very welcome if there are
subtitled versions in Japanese since the audience will be predominately
If anyone has even the slightest bit of advice or any ideas, I'd be very
Advice on equipment I will need, addresses of distributors, independent
groups of filmmakers, predicted
costs, reading I could do to fill me in on experimental video in Japan,
etc. etc. are all much needed.

Thankyou very much

Joss Winn

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