Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Fri Oct 16 08:54:12 EDT 1998

For a more specific schedule of the Symposium (which I'd love to attend):

Friday, November 6 
3:30 p.m.??     Opening Reception, Kroch Library 

Saturday, November 7 
8:45 a.m.       Introduction to the Symposium 
                        J. Victor Koschmann, Cornell University 
9:00 a.m.       Session One: The Space of the Lexicon: Maeda, Modernity,

"Maeda as Cultural Critic: Urban Space and the 'World of Print'" 
                        James Fujii, University of California, Irvine 
"Maeda as Collector: The Maeda Library, Maeda and the Book" 
                        Nobuhiro Shinji, University of Tokyo 
10:45           Session Two: Mobilizing the Modern Gaze: Cinema, 
"Silent Pictures, Primitive Spectators and Tanizaki's China" 
                        Thomas Lamarre, McGill University 
"Dark Enlightenment in the Photography of Nait$BQ(BMasatoshi" 
                        Marilyn Ivy, Columbia University 
12:15 p.m.      Summary, and Introduction of Afternoon Session 
                        Brett deBary, Cornell University 
12:30           Lunch 
2:00            Session Three: Signs of Empire, Empire of Signs?  Japan 
in the
Cinema of Chris                  Marker 
(Joint Session with the Conference on "French and Francophone Cinematic

Film: "Level Five" (Chris Marker, 1996) 
4:00            Panel Discussion of "Level Five" 
                        Maureen Turim, University of Florida, Gainesville 
                        Raymond Bellour, CNRS, Paris 
                        Ueno Toshiya, Wako University 
                        Timothy Murray, Cornell University 
                        Naoki Sakai, Cornell University 
Sunday, November 8 
8:30            Session Four :  Domination and Subjective Technologies 
"Japanese Linguistic Studies and Literary Theory: Language, Subject, 
                        Kamei Hideo, Hokkaido University 
"Maeda Ai's Theory of Readership: Body, Consciousness, Reception" 
                        Komori Y$BQJ(Bchi, University of Tokyo 
10:15           Session Five:   City, Gender, Architecture 
"Domestic Space as Literary History" 
                        Nishikawa Y$B[L(Bo, Kyoto Bunkyo University 
"Boys Attacking Boys: The Rise and Fall of Youth Gangs at the Turn of the
                        Furukawa Makoto, University of Kyoto 
11:45           Lunch 
12:30           Session Six: Narrativity and Desire in Mass Culture 
"Women Readers as Writers: Fiction Contests and the Hidden History of 
Modern Literature" 
                        Hirata Yumi, Osaka University of Foreign Studies 
"History, Narrative, Topography" 
                        Narita Ry$B[J(Bchi, Japan Women's University 
2:15            Session Seven: Colonialism , Mass Subjectivity and Public
"Japanese Mass Culture and Colonialism: Korea and Koreans in the Comic
of Soganoya Gor$BQ(B 
                        Kawamura Minato, Hosei University 
"Contemporary Media and Urban Space" 
                        Ueno Toshiya, Wako University 
3:45            Concluding remarks 

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