jobs jobs jobs

Abe-Nornes amnornes
Tue Oct 13 17:32:52 EDT 1998

Here are some job positions that have been announced through the Society
for Cinema Studies. These are the ones that mention Japanese film or Asian
film. Many others are open for national cinemas in general, and can be
found on the SCS website:  (It may take a few
days before the website is updated...). I also hear there is a position
announced at Bates College that specifically mentions Japanese film.

tenure-track position in international film-video studies beginning Sept.
1999.  Appointment will be made at the rank of Assistant
Professor/Instructor.  Candidates should be able to teach a broad range of
courses on international cinema as well as courses in a national cinema in
which they have language proficiency, such as French, Spanish, Italian,
German, Russian, Japanese, or Chinese.  Ability to conduct discussion
sections in the foreign language preferred.  Applicants capable of teaching
video production also encouraged.  Additional course areas in which
expertise would be welcome: gender and film, screenwriting, other special
interests.  PhD preferred.  ABD considered.  Candidates should provide
evidence of commitment to excellent teaching and scholarly potential.  Send
letter of application which includes teaching interests, c.v., graduate
transcript, and dossier including three letters of recommendation, at least
two of which speak to teaching ability, to: Prof. Leger Grindon, Film-Video
Studies, Wright Theater, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont 05753.
Attn: LR.  Review of applications will begin 1 November 1998.  Middlebury
College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from
women and members of minority groups.

COMPARATIVE LITERATURE.  Advanced Assistant Professor (Ph.D. in Comparative
Literature, for tenure track) with specialization in international film
(including non-European cinema), and strong interest in cultural studies.
Candidate must have scholarly credentials in foreign language, preferably a
language or languages, of cultures with cinematic traditions (e.g.,
African, Asian, Latin American), and the ability to develop courses on
international film for the Comparative Literature Program, the Film Studies
Program, and other programs, such as Latino Studies and International
Studies, as well as Comparative Literature topics courses, centered in
film, for the foreign-language programs. AA/EOC employer. Names of
applicants who do not request
that their identities be withheld and names of finalists will be released
upon request. Send letter and full CV (including evidence of teaching
ability)to: Rachel I. Skalitzky, Chair, Dept. of French, Italian, and
Comparative Literature, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413.
Deadline for complete
application: December 4, 1998

BROOKLYN COLLEGE, FILM DEPARTMENT.  Two tenure-track positions in the Film
Department, Brooklyn College, City University of New York.  Begin September
1999: 1. FILM STUDIES--GLOBAL CINEMA (rank of Assistant Professor).  Teach
courses in Global Cinema, Community Views, Non-Fiction Film, Cultural
Perspectives, one or two non-Euro-American National Cinemas, Film Industry,
and introductory sections of Film Language.  Committee work, administrative
duties, student advisement, supervision of independent studies, curriculum
development, continuing record of publication.  Ph.D. in Film or related
area; publications and teaching experience in the following preferred
areas: global cinema, cultural perspectives on film, the film industry, and
one or two non-Euro-American national cinemas; commitment to undergraduate
teaching; administrative experience or potential; interest in department
administration; strong interpersonal skills; computer skills in research
and teaching.  (Sample syllabi, an interview, and a demonstration class
will be required of finalists).  Salary $29,931-$45,672, commensurate with
qualifications and experience. 2. FILM PRODUCTION--SCREENWRITING (rank of
Assistant Professor).  Teach two sections of Screenwriting I (introduction:
the short script); Screenwriting II (the feature script) and Screenwriting
III (adaptation); one section of Introduction to Film Production.
Committee work, administrative duties, student advisement, supervision of
internships and independent study productions, curriculum development,
continuing professional work in screenwriting.  M.F.A. or equivalent
professional experience in screenwriting and film production; professional
screenwriting credits; undergraduate teaching experience in screenwriting
and film production; strong interpersonal skills and commitment to
undergraduate teaching; computer skills in writing and teaching. (Sample
syllabi, reel and/or screenplays, interview, and a demonstration class,
will be required of finalists).  Salary $29,931-$45,672, commensurate with
qualifications and
experience.  Send current resume and three letters of reference to: Dr.
Joan V. Rome, Director, Personnel Services and Labor Relations, 2900
Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn College/CUNY, Brooklyn, NY 11210-2889.  Review of
applications will begin on OCTOBER 15,1998, and continue until position is
filled.  Anticipated faculty vacancy, subject to financial ability.  An
equal opportunity, affirmative action, Irca, Americans with disabilities
act employer.  Visit the Film Department Website:

candidates for a tenure-track assistant professorship in modern Japanese
culture and society, beginning Fall 1999.  Candidates grounded in the study
of literature and/or cinema are especially welcome.  The Department is open
to a variety of methodologies.  The candidate will be expected to teach at
both graduate and undergraduate levels.  The letter of application should
include brief descriptions of four courses the applicant is prepared to
offer.  Send letter with vita, writing sample, and three letters of
recommendation to Chair, Japanese Search Committee, Dept. Of East Asian
Languages & Civilizations, University of Chicago, 1050 E. 59th Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60637.  Strong preference will be given to candidates
with a.) PhD in hand and b.) complete applications filed by October 24,
1998, when review will begin, continuing until the position is filled.

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