Japanese colonization of Korea

Bill Thompson SISWT
Wed Sep 9 20:16:14 EDT 1998

KineJapan /// Ravi Arvind Palat  ---

Surprisingly, very few films have been made on the topic of
Japanese colonization of Korea in English, Korean, or Japanese.

I would highly recommend a 1978 film entitled _Chopko_
in Korean.  English-language title translations are
"Family Tree Book"  and  "Geneology."

"Geneology" is a powerful film centering on a Korean aristocrat
whose family name and heritage go back 700 years.  He has
helped support the occupying Japanese troups (in 1941) through
such efforts as a generous gift of rice.  However, believing
that his ancestors are within him, he refuses to change his
name to a Japanese one as demanded by the authorities.
In the end he saves his family the only way he can while still
preserving his dignity.

Director Im Kwon-Taek, considered the leading Korean director of
his generation, is best known for his Mandala (1981) and
Seopyonje (1993).  Although he made his first films in 1962,
Chopko is regarded as Im's first really serious effort.
The Korean Cultural Center in New York has a copy of this
film with English and French subtitles which it circulates
in the US.  I would imagine that a similar Korean institution
in Australia would be able to help Prof. Palat arrange to
view the film.  Feel free to contact me, either directly or
through this list, if I can be of further assistance.

Bill Thompson
siswt at cuvmc.ais.columbia.edu

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow <onogerow at angel.ne.jp> wrote:
Subject: Fwd: Seeking movie on Japanese colonization of Korea

>This has been posted on several other lists, but maybe someone on
>KineJapan can also help.  Please respond to the sender with a copy to te
>---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
>From: Ravi Arvind Palat <r.palat at auckland.ac.nz>
>        (crosspost from H-Asia)
>For an undergraduate class on the sociology of colonialism, I'm looking
>for a movie which deals with the Japanese colonialism of Korea.  I presme
>that no film on this topic has been made in English, but are there any n
>Japanese or Korean with English subtitles?
>It doesn't matter if the movie is a fictional representation...any
>suggestions welcome
>Ravi Palat
>Department of Sociology
>University of Auckland
><r.palat at auckland.ac.nz>

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