Japanese film and the political right

Julie Turnock jturnock
Tue Aug 17 21:42:23 EDT 1999

Michael Badzik wrote:

>For what it's worth, I'll add that this is something that is not specific 
>to Asia; there are quite a few young Japanese women who have come here to 
>California by themselves for the very same reasons. There was even an 
>article about this trend in the Daily Yomiuri.

I saw that article in the Yomiuri as well, but was very disappointed (though 
not surprised) by its extreme polarization of Japanese women's experiences 
in America.  It seems one either wins an Oscar or becomes a bar hostess.  
Since the numbers of the latter are much greater than the former, the 
article seemed especially fear-mongering--but for who's benefit?  The 
Japanese parent-subscribers who "need" to be reminded the dangers of sending 
their daughters abroad?  The young women themselves?  Who?

In any case, neither extreme represents an average scenario for Japanese 
women abroad, but that doesn't make a very interesting article, does it?

Any ideas?

Julie Turnock
Hamamatsu-shi, Japan

p.s.  I suppose I'll also take this opportunity to introduce myself.  I'm a 
lapsed art history PhD student, currently on the JET program, teaching at a 
high-level academic high school on central Honshu island (Shizuoka-ken).  
I'm especially interested in phenemonolgy and audience issues in film and 
art.  If I can self-promote a little, I recently published a short article 
on George Lucas's appearance on SMAPXSMAP in the Phantom Menace reviews of 
the online journal M/C  (www.uq.edu.au/mc). I'd appreciate anyone's comments 
on it.   Finally, I'm an atrocious speller, so I apologize for my many 

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