prints seized

Joss Winn edq39077
Sun Feb 14 05:30:31 EST 1999

Hello everyone,

I thought you might be interested to know that Onishi Kenji told me today
that prints of A BURNING STAR and other films he had sent to the Ann Arbor
Festival have been seized at customs in Tokyo.  I thought it might be a
hassle trying to import certain material but not to export it! I'm not sure
which film(s) would have caused the problem.  A BURNING STAR contains one
scene that shows male genitals as does a few of his films.  Only one of his
films that I've seen (and I think he's sent me most of them by now)
contains explicit scenes depicting female genitals.

What's the problem with sending them abroad?  Surely if the people at
customs don't like the look of them, the best thing to do is let the films
leave the country and them not let them back in. (I'm sure it's more
complicated than this....)


Joss Winn

EIGA ARTS		Tel. (81)-(0)-(952)68-4722
1217 Shinden
Kubota-cho		<edq39077 at>

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