film vs video

Joseph Murphy jmurphy
Fri Feb 19 14:58:39 EST 1999

>Film/video: aside from the important issues of canon
>production/reproduction and pedagogical questions about using one medium to
>speak of qualitatively different, the picture is bigger than the theaters

Could you elaborate on the pedagogical questions about using one medium to
talk about a qualitatively different medium?  Most of us are probably
familiar with the enormous differences between 16/35mm projection and video
monitor viewing in image quality, questions of aspect ratio, letterboxing,
attenuation of the theater/ exhibition context, etc.  But I'm not sure why
those would be qualitative differences.  It seems like in the move to
privilege projected film over video as the genuine film experience (film as
film) one might read a kind of shift at work on the "art in the age of
mechanical reproduction" axis.  Is it that film now has an aura?  And where
do better quality technologies like laserdisc fit in the thinking on this
Addressed to Markus, but anyone with thoughts about film and video, please
join in.

Joseph Murphy

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