Prewar amateur film lecture (E+J)

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow at
Wed Jan 6 18:58:41 EST 1999

Fourth Film History Lecture at the Kawasaki City Museum:

"The Possibilities of Prewar Japanese Small-guage and Amateur Cinema"

January 23rd (Saturday): Kyoto Modernism and Amateur Cineastes
Time: 14:00
Lecturer: Makino Mamoru

Will focus on Nakai Masakazu and the "Saturday" group with screenings (on 
video) of Nose Katsuo's mid-1930's films.

January 24th (Sunday): Home Movies and the Small Guage Film World
Time: 14:00
Lecturer: Makino Mamoru
Guest: Mimae Shigeki

There will be screenings on video of Mimae's late 1930's amateur films 
and a discussion of contemporary amateur film contests and the filmmaking 
world they epitomized.


講師 牧野守
上映 『飛んでいる処女』(1935)他、能勢克男作。

講師 牧野守
ゲスト 御前茂樹
上映 『我子の記録より』(1936)他、御前茂樹作。

Admission: 500 yen each day
Place: Kawasaki City Museum, Mini Hall (3rd floor)
Limit: 50 participants per day
Information and reservations: 044-754-4500

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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