Kato Tai

Val=%ISO-8859-1?B?6Q==?=rie Dhiver-Sugiura dhiver.sugiura
Mon Jul 5 13:39:31 EDT 1999

>De?: Max Schaefer <Max.Schaefer at bfi.org.uk>
>? : kinejapan <kinejapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
>Objet?: Kato Tai
>Date?: Lun 5 juil 1999 11:18

Some hints regarding your mail of today:>

The Locarno Film festival held an extensive restrospective of KATO Tai in
1997. In their catalogue, you might get extensive credits. Another way would
be to check in a PIA annual film guide: the credits are not complete but the
main ones (director, scriptwriter, lighting, music, production company, main
cast...) are mentionned.

On this occasion, Shiguehiko HASUMI and Sadao YAMANE wrote a preface that
you might want to use.The same retrospective was showed at the French
Cinematheque in September 1998. On this occasion, an article by Jean Michel
FRODON was published in LE MONDE (Sept 10, 1998). You should find it by
consulting LE MONDE website or I can send you a copy by fax or mail.
Also, there is a book (unfortunately in Japanese) about the director written
by the director himself and compiled YAMANE Sadao and YASUI Yoshio. The
title is "KATO TAI, EIGA O MIRU" (Publisher Chikuma Shobo, Collection:
LUMIERE, 1994). It is a collection of texts written by the director. There
is also an essay by YAMANE Sadao.

Hoping it will be of help. Best regards
Val?rie Dhiver

>         A request for pointers: I edit the programme notes at the 
>         National Film Theatre in London, where next month we are 
>         screening a Kato Tai retrospective (12 films). I am looking 
>         for (i) any and all decent writing about Kato in English, and 
>         any (ii) sources of extensive credits for his films. (Basic 
>         credits are of course available in Stephen Cremin's excellent 
>         Asian Film Library reference books, but we *aim* for 
>         *complete* credits -- full cast with character names, full 
>         crew, copyright date, etc.) I can't read kanji, but finding 
>         help with written sources in kanji would at least be slightly 
>         more convenient than trying to take everything off the film 
>         prints (which is unlikely to be possible) ...
>         Any suggestions from kinejapan members would be enormously 
>         welcome.
>         For those who are interested, the films in the season are:
>         Red Peony Gambler: Flower-cards Match (Hibotan Bakuto: 
>         Hanafuda Shobu) 1969
>         Blood of Revenge (Meiji Kyokyakuden Sandaime Shumei) 1965
>         Fightin' Tatsu, the Rickshaw Man (Shafu Yukyoden Kenka Tatsu) 
>         1964
>         Cruel Story of the Shogunate's Downfall (Bakumatsu Zankoku 
>         Monogatari) 1964
>         Sasuke and his Comedians (aka Brave Records of the Sanada 
>         Clan) (Sanada Fu-unroku) 1963
>         Tokijiro of Kutsukake - Lone Yakuza (Kutsukake Tokijiro Yukyo 
>         Ippiki) 1966
>         History of a Man's Face (Otoko no Kao wa Rirekisho) 1966
>         Long-Sought Mother (Mabuta no Haha) 1962
>         I, the Executioner (Minagoroshi no Reika) 1968
>         Red Peony Gambler: O-Ryu's Visit (Hibotan Bakuto: O-Ryu 
>         Sanjo) 1970
>         Samurai Vagabond (Kaze no Bushi) 1964
>         The Ghost of O-Iwa (Kaidan O-Iwa no Borei) 1961
>         Apologies for the inevitable typos above that I haven't 
>         spotted. The season runs throughout August at the NFT.

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