Satchi and "Female"

David Hopkins hopkat
Fri Jul 23 02:36:56 EDT 1999

I think you know the basic contempt I have for (Japanese) TV in general. I 
have even greater contempt for the whole wide show scene (I can't believe an 
intellectual like you-know-who would admit to watching "all the morning wide 
shows"!). However, gender issues are very interesting and important, so I 
can only offer an interesting observation from the Asahi Shinbun, which is 
generally considered to be the left limit of dominant ideology. I didn't 
clip it, unfortunately, but they recently announced a new e-magazine to be 
called Female, with the information that it would feature news about fashion 
and dieting. That really burned me up. Obviously, in this society, education 
issues and investments should be the "serious" issues for women, even if 
they also imply some stereotyping.

David Hopkins
Tenri University

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