Shark Skin Man...

Mark Schilling schill
Tue Jun 1 22:31:01 EDT 1999

Kevin Martin asked:

Does anyone know of a fax number to
> get in contact with the distributors of "Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip
> Girl", directed by Katsuhito Ishii?  The production company is
> Tohokushinsha Film Corporation.

Try Tohokushinsha's Hilo Iizumi (not a typo -- that's how he spells his
name in English), the film's producer, at 81-3-3584-2824 or at

Tohokushinsha also has a US office: Cente Service Corporation, fax:

> Also, is there a fax number for Daiei other than 03-3573-8720?  I want to
> get in contact with them about "Cure" and "Ping Pong Bath Station."  In
> the case of "Ping Pong," it seems to have also been produced by Tokuma
> International, if that helps any.

Fax Daiei's Furui Atsushi at 81-3-3573-8720. He is in the Senden-bu and
quite helpful. 

> Lastly, what is the contact information for Kaijyu Theater Co. Ltd.,
> makers of the Tetsuo films, "Sunday Drive," and "Bullet Ballet."

Kaiyu Theater's phone and fax are 81-3-3949-7507

Mark Schilling

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