Eiga kantoku Mizoguchi Kenji

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Tue Nov 9 08:47:54 EST 1999

Those of you in Japan probably already know the new anthology on 
Mizoguchi, based on the Meigaku symposium from last fall, came out last 
month, but I've only found time to introduce it now.

Title: Eiga kantoku Mizoguchi Kenji
Publisher: Shinyosha
ISBN: 4788506920
Price: 4200

"Mozoguchi Kenji seitan hyakunen ni yosete" (Yomota Inuhiko)

"Mukojima shinpa eiga ni mitu Mizoguchi eiga no genten" (Komatsu Hiroshi)
"Chikan, hyosho, rekishi" (Chiba Nobuo)
"'Mango kenkoku no reimei' o megutte" (Monma Takashi)
"Mizoguchi Kenji no benshi o tsutomete" (Sawato Midori)

"Shisen no shuchu hoka" (Kato Mikiro)
"Mizoguchi Kenji no omoide" (Shindo Kaneto)
"'Genroku chushingura' ni okeru joseitekinaru mono" (Yomota Inuhiko)

"'Miyamoto Musashi' to senjichu no kankyaku" (Aaron Gerow)
"Senryoka no Mizoguchi eiga" (Naito Makoto)
"Sei to sei" (Saito Ayako)
"Mizo Daiyu" (Dudley Andrew)

"Kyodo togi: Mizoguchi Kenji e no toikake"

Anyone read it and have any comments?

Aaron Gerow

P.S. Just for your information, the list of contributors at the back has 
my name wrong: it's Gerow, not Gerou.  Ahh, these things happen.

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