Fwd: Terayama Shuji and Judge Judy
Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow
Tue Nov 9 08:52:49 EST 1999
This is part of an inquiry posted on another list. Please send responses
to the original sender with a copy to the list. I append one response
that has already been given on that list.
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"Michael Dancsok" <dunchoke at hotmail.com>
Dear people of H-film:
I have two seperate questions that I am hoping some of you can address.
1) Can anyone direct me to English or French language papers or articles
concerning the work of 1970s Japanese filmmaker Terayama Shuji (or Shuji
Terayama if you prefer the family name last)? I have found several
in Japanese but I was wondering if there has been any serious research
his films in North America or Europe.
Thanks in advance
Michael Dancsok
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"Zoran Sinobad" <zsinobad at afionline.org>
Carol Jay Sorgenfrei: "Shuji Terayama: Avant Garde Dramatist of Japan",
1978 dissertation at University of California, Santa Barbara.
Zoran Sinobad
National Center for Film & Video Preservation
American Film Institute
zsinobad at afionline.org
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