Gaiman's Mononoke

E Berlin abelard
Thu Oct 28 17:40:23 EDT 1999

FYI to Susan et al...

The technique of replacing spoken words in a live action film
is...amazingly...called dialogue replacement.  But the process also goes by
the more colorful name of "looping."

The same terminology probably doesn't apply in matching animated picture to
voice in the originating language of an animated film, because the voices
are recorded first and the animation is matched to the voice track.  In the
case of transforming Mononoke it isn't really "looping" because the mouth
movements were designed for Japanese.  It's probably just called "dubbing,"
but dubbing of a high and refined order.  But, since the effort in
converting the film to English is to make it seem like it is native to
English, perhaps it is looping after all...

E Berlin

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