Randy Man
ranman at csf.edu
Wed Sep 22 18:43:27 EDT 1999
It seems to me that the title of Prof. Soifer's class is highly misleading.
If he doesn't intend to focus primarily on Kurosawa (which I think anybody
contemplating enrolling in it would assume), then he ought to change the
title. Another question that goes a-begging here is whether the Japanese
cinema of the 1990s can still profitably be called "post war". I don't think
In answer to his question about availability of some early Kurosawa titles,
only SANSHIRO SUGATA of those mentioned is available on video (Homevision
VHS). It used to be available in 16mm from Audio Brandon and may still be
from Films Inc. I would also recommend avoiding the wretched Facets tape of
DRUNKEN ANGEL. If you haven't already bought it, don't. It's a waste of
money. Go with 16mm if you can still find it (again try Films Inc.).
Randolph Man
College of Santa Fe
----- Original Message -----
From: Alexander Soifer <asoifer at brain.uccs.edu>
To: Edward Fowler <ebfowler at benfranklin.hnet.uci.edu>
Cc: KineJapan <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>; Alexander Soifer
<asoifer at brain.uccs.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 1:39 PM
> Edward Fowler wrote:
> > I can't help wondering why you would want information re: Kurosawa
> > with a focus on the 1990s, which is to say, the very end of his long
> > career, which began in the early 1940s. I, for one, believe that
> > some of his very best work was done BEFORE _Rashomon_ (1950). The
> > significance of his early work is suggested by Stephen Prince in
> > _The Warrior's Camera_, and explicated even more trenchantly by
> > Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto in his forthcoming study of Kurosawa (which
> > should be out by the time you teach your course).
> Dear Professor Fowler:
> Thank you for your reply. I am pleased to inform you that you
> misunderstood me :-). Indeed, I wrote as folllows:
> > I am at preliminary stages, developing the course, and would appreciate
> > your input regarding inclusion of the films that will be featured,
> > especially films of the 1990s.
> This question had nothing to do with Kurosawa (whose works of the 90s
> I know). My course will be equally divided between Kurosawa (and I will
> include his early works to be sure), and other directors of Japanese
> cinema.
> And so I asked (AND STILL DO!) for names of young and promising
> directors of the 90s and titles of their best works. Sources for
> purchasing
> these works would be much appreciated as well.
> I admire (and own in video formats) works of Kurosawa, Ozu, Mizoguchi,
> Teshigahara, Imamura, Oshima. BUT: I have not before concentrated
> on Japanese cinema per se. I am familiar with books by David Richie,
> yet I need your help here too:
> > > I truly need your input on text(s) for the course. I would like
> > > the text to not only address the cinema itself, but also discuss how
> > > Japanese cinema stems from, reflects upon and in turn creates national
> > > culture.
> Surely, your list can help much better than H-Film -- and I hope it
> will.
> I thank you for bringing my questions to the attention of KineJapan.
> I have just subscribed to KineJapan.
> Best wishes,
> Alexander Soifer
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