Eiga Geijutsu Best Ten

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow at angel.ne.jp
Tue Apr 11 20:14:29 EDT 2000

This is a bit late, but I thought some may be interested in hearing about 
the Eiga Geijutsu Best Ten for 1999.  With a smaller and more eclectic 
group of voters, the EG Best Ten tends to be quite different from 
KineJun's, a tendency furthered by a different voting system: voters can 
choose the worst ten as well, and worst votes are, in addition, 
subtracted from best ten votes received.

1. Gohatto (Oshima Nagisa)
2. A, haru (Somai Shinji)
3. Doko made mo iko (Shiota Akihiko)
4. Ningen gokaku (Kurosawa Kiyoshi)
5. Nabi no koi (Nakae Yuji)
6. Gekko no sasayaki (Shiota Akihiko)
7. Nodo jiman (Izutsu Kazuyuki)
9. 39 Keiho dai sanjukyu-jo (Morita Yoshimitsu)
10. OL no aijiru Love Juice (Tajiri Yuji)
10. Gakko no kaidan 4 (Hirayama Hideyuki)

1. Poppoya (Furuhata Yasuo)
2. Fukuro no shiro (Shinoda Masahiro)
3. Kin'yu fushoku retto Jubaku (Harada Masato)
4. Kikujiro no natsu (Kitano Takeshi)
5. Kuroi ie (Morita Yoshimitsu)
6. M/OTHER (Suwa Nobuhiro)
7. Kokiyu (Nakahara Shun)
8. Eiji (Kurotsuchi Mitsuo)
9. Eiga Sarariman Kintaro (Miike Takashi)
9. Sekondo chansu (Mizutani Toshiyuki, Tomioka Tadafumi)
9. Ojuken (Takita Yojiro)
9. Nazo no flying saucer (Honma Takashi)
9. Biggu sho (Izutsu Kazuyuki)
9. Hohokekyo tonari no Yamada-kun (Takahata Isao)

M/Other was hurt the most by worst ten votes (it would have ended up no. 
5 in the best ten without them), but films like Poppoya, Kuroi ie, and 
Jubaku were hopeless, all ending up with minus totals.

Just to add a bit on pink films, just judging from critical reaction here 
and elsewhere, Tajiri's film was definitely the most critically acclaimed 
pink film of last year.

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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