Kinema Junpo CD-ROM

kiseko minaguchi kiko at
Mon Dec 4 23:44:15 EST 2000

I called up Diet Lib and Cinema Junpo LTd and finally found out cd-rom of
Cinejun is published by NEC Interchannel. It could be purchased at any
pasocon. shop, they said.
I should have known this before I made a dozen trips to Diet Lib. last year.
Good Luck,
Minaguchi, Teikyo U.
-----Original Message-----
差出人 : Abe' Mark Nornes <amnornes at>
宛先 : KineJapan at
<KineJapan at>
日時 : 2000年12月5日 2:36
件名 : Kinema Junpo CD-ROM

>Does anyone know what has happened to the CD_ROM of postwar Kinejun? I can
only find a mention of it on a Diet Library website (that notes it's 24,000
pages of text). Kinema Junpo has no info. Anybody here?

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