Takeshi Kitano Office ever answered you ?

Stephen Cremin asianfilmlibrary
Sat Dec 16 14:39:11 EST 2000

I'd suggest in the first instance writing to KAKURAI Makoto who speaks
perfect English and previously worked at Shochiku.  His direct email address

     kakurai at office-kitano.co.jp

Don't expect a reply until January with Christmas and the Filmex festival
coming up.  It may be that Office Kitano are forwarding all your emails to
Celluloid Dreams in France who I think still have distribution rights for
their earlier films.


Stephen Cremin

>From: Mario Desiderio <mandm at flashnet.it>
>To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: Takeshi Kitano Office ever answered you ?
>Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 15:59:10 +0100

>It is already 6 months I am emailing but never received an answer from
>Takeshi Kitano Office,
>does any of you ever received an answer from them ?
>Do you have another email ? someone that works there email that I may contact
>Needless to say I never expected this from them, very unpolite not to even
>answer, please let me know if you
>know someone I may contact by email.
>The email I use is:
>office at office-kitano.co.jp
>Mario Desiderio

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