Subbing Soft (WAS Re: DVD play)

Abe' Mark Nornes amnornes at
Tue Feb 8 20:16:15 EST 2000

At 9:33 PM -0500 2/7/00, Michael Raine wrote:
> It's not perfect --
> the synchronization tends to drift

Why does it drift? You'd think it'd be locked in....

I presume you could easily produce a video tape of this as well?

I've subtitled _Kurutta kajitsu_ and _Arashi o yobu otoko_ so far
> and I'll be doing Buta to gunkan next (the 16mm print is no longer available
> for non-theatrical screenings). Anyone else feel like doing some subtitling?

When I get back to the states, I do plan on doing something. I'm thinking of
some Meiji and early Taisho stuff at first...possibly an English benshi
soundtrack as well.

Thanks for taking the first step towards making our subtitling consortium a
reality, Michael!

For more information on the consortium, I've placed the draft "rules" we
whipped up last year on Kinema Club
([] under teaching).


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