Adachi Masao Retrospective (E+J)
A.M. Nornes
amnornes at
Sun Feb 27 23:23:38 EST 2000
Here is the formal announcement of the Adachi Masao retrospective. It is
being organized by Hirasawa Go, a former student of Yomota's who is involved
in Video Act! and other activities. In addition to the 13 films, there will
be a slate of discussions with many scholars (Ukai, Yomota, etc.) and
filmmakers (Wakamatsu, Suzuki Seijun, possibly Oshima and many others).
There are some live performances (Hara Masato, Soul Flower Union, etc.).
And if you can't make it to Japan, they're broadcasting _Red Army/PFLP:
Declaration of World War_ over the internet (see for
details). This was the film shot by Wakamatsu and Adachi with PFLP
guerrillas in Lebanon.
We should know the fate of Adachi in a few days. Last week's papers showed
pictures of him getting married to a local woman (he left a wife and family
in Japan), which apparently involved converting to Greek Orthodox religion.
Undoubtedly, this has a lot to do with a strategy to acquire Lebanese
citizenship and avoid extradition to Japan.
A special issue of _Eiga Geijutsu_ for event will be out very soon.
This is a fantastic opportunity to see some notorious pink films which have
not been shown since their release, not to mention classic avant-garde films
like Sain. Fellow KineJapaner Roland Domenig and I were at two all-nighter
previews last month, and were probably the only ones to see all the films.
Frankly, some of them are pretty raunchy, fairly bad. But since only a
handful of more complex films have survived history, it _was_ fascinating to
see what could be produced and forgotten in the pink world. If you want a
glimpse try _Taiji_ (_Embryo_), Adachi's first feature film. It is a
Frankenstein narrative about a mad gynecologist that steals a patient's
fetus and brews it in a machine he's invented in a shed. The film ends when
he's discovered and the government takes over the machine.
Of the documentaries, _Red Army/PFLP: Declaration of World War_ is probably
a must-see for its historical importance, although it's a pretty
disappointing film. _AKA Serial Killer_ is beautiful and fascinating, and
the easiest way to figure out the critical/theoretical discourse on "fukei"
that was popular in journals like _Eiga Hihyo_ at the time.
Of the feature films try _Seiyugi_ (_Sex Games_) and _Jogakusei Gerira_
(_Female Student Guerrilla_) for their strange mix of adolescent sex and
radical politics.
By the way, Oshima Productions struck a new print of the trailer for _Death
by Hanging_. It was fairly standard practice in those days to have someone
like your assistant director do the trailer. In this case, it was Adachi and
the results are very interesting. Most of the trailer is Oshima shouting at
the audience at a fever pitch----part of the time with a noose around his
neck----about the problem of capital punishment. It has an accusatory
passion that the film's famous ending hints at only obliquely.
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