Adachi Masao Retrospective (E+J)

Eija Margit Niskanen eija at
Sun Feb 27 23:29:35 EST 2000

When and where might this event take place? 

At 01:23 PM 2/28/00 +0900, you wrote:
>Here is the formal announcement of the Adachi Masao retrospective. It is
>being organized by Hirasawa Go, a former student of Yomota's who is involved
>in Video Act! and other activities. In addition to the 13 films, there will
>be a slate of discussions with many scholars (Ukai, Yomota, etc.)  and
>filmmakers  (Wakamatsu, Suzuki Seijun, possibly Oshima and many others).
>There are some live performances (Hara Masato, Soul Flower Union, etc.).
>And if you can't make it to Japan, they're broadcasting _Red Army/PFLP:
>Declaration of World War_ over the internet (see for
>details). This was the film shot by Wakamatsu and Adachi with PFLP
>guerrillas in Lebanon.
>We should know the fate of Adachi in a few days. Last week's papers showed
>pictures of him getting married to a local woman (he left a wife and family
>in Japan), which apparently involved converting to Greek Orthodox religion.
>Undoubtedly, this has a lot to do with a strategy to acquire Lebanese
>citizenship and avoid extradition to Japan.
>A special issue of _Eiga Geijutsu_ for event will be out very soon.
>This is a fantastic opportunity to see some notorious pink films which have
>not been shown since their release, not to mention classic avant-garde films
>like Sain. Fellow KineJapaner Roland Domenig and I were at two all-nighter
>previews last month, and were probably the only ones to see all the films.
>Frankly, some of them are pretty raunchy, fairly bad. But since only a
>handful of more complex films have survived history, it _was_ fascinating to
>see what could be produced and forgotten in the pink world. If you want a
>glimpse try _Taiji_ (_Embryo_), Adachi's first feature film. It is a
>Frankenstein narrative about a mad gynecologist that steals a patient's
>fetus and brews it in a machine he's invented in a shed. The film ends when
>he's discovered and the government takes over the machine.
>Of the documentaries, _Red Army/PFLP: Declaration of World War_ is probably
>a must-see for its historical importance, although it's a pretty
>disappointing film. _AKA Serial Killer_ is beautiful and fascinating, and
>the easiest way to figure out the critical/theoretical discourse on "fukei"
>that was popular in journals like _Eiga Hihyo_ at the time.
>Of the feature films try _Seiyugi_ (_Sex Games_) and _Jogakusei Gerira_
>(_Female Student Guerrilla_) for their strange mix of adolescent sex and
>radical politics.
>By the way, Oshima Productions struck a new print of the trailer for _Death
>by Hanging_. It was fairly standard practice in those days to have someone
>like your assistant director do the trailer. In this case, it was Adachi and
>the results are very interesting. Most of the trailer is Oshima shouting at
>the audience at a fever pitch----part of the time with a noose around his
>neck----about the problem of capital punishment. It has an accusatory
>passion that the film's famous ending hints at only obliquely.
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