Subbing Soft (WAS Re: DVD play)

Dion Madrilejo d.madrilejo
Wed Feb 9 12:18:24 EST 2000

> Hi Aaron,
> There are Mac G3s with DVD drives and DVD accelerated ATI Rage 128
> (something like that) video chips. You should be able to put the output of
> one of those through a data projector. I've no idea how much they cost. The
> drive is region coded so you have to change the firmware to make it work
> with multiple regions. Apparently the drive is a Matsushita SR-8583. There's
> some information here:
> Doesn't look easy! I'm sure there are Mac users in Japan who've done this
> already. Perhaps you can find someone to show you.

I have a G4 at home so to help clarify:
-G4s use a ATI Rage 128 graphics card for their monitor output. However, in
addition to the standard duties of a regular graphics card it also acts as
the DVD signal decoder for the G4. What this means is that in order to use
the DVD drive, your display must be plugged into this card. Also, the ATI
Rage card used in the G4 comes with plugs for a standard VGA monitor or a
digital video monitor (Flatscreen monitors I believe require this new plug),
but no plugs for SVHS or regular video out.
-The region coding on the DVD drive itself will change if you put in a disc
from a different region. However, this region switch can only be done 5
times before it becomes permanent.

Dion A. Madrilejo / d.madrilejo at
DAM Good Productions
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