"pink" film

The Gline thegline
Thu Feb 17 12:23:39 EST 2000

> Startling emissions indeed! (sorry). And don't be so sure about never
> getting a chance to see them: the few DVDs produced in Japan so far
> some Nikkatsu roman porno, including films by famous directors such as
> Chusei and Kumashiro Tatsumi -- coming soon with subtitles, perhaps...

I'm pleased to see DVD slowly getting more and more rare titles, even if not
all of them are worth it (you get plenty of dross with the gems). Both ORGAN
and EVIL DEAD TRAP, two of the better Japanese horror movies, are out there.
But THE RING isn't -- it's been licensed by Fine Line, I think, and they
don't seem to know what they want to do with it -- remake it or issue it on
home video.

Anyone know the PR folks at FineLine? I'd like to write them a pointed
little letter. Because as long as they keep this up, Weisser will continue
to make a bundle from his bootlegs.

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