book series announcement

David Desser d-desser
Sat Jan 22 17:51:21 EST 2000

Hi all.


Also, please feel free to pass this along to other Film and Asian-studies
related listservs to which you may belong.  KineJapan is my only listserv,
so I'd be grateful to those who did, indeed, pass this on to other relevant


David Desser

Film and Popular Culture in Modern Asia

Poshek Fu and David Desser, series editors

Call for Manuscripts or Proposals:

Poshek Fu, Department of History, and David Desser, Unit for Cinema
Studies, University of Illinois, and the University of Michigan Press
announce a new series:  "Film and Popular Culture in Modern Asia."  The
series editors seek proposals or completed manuscripts dealing with aspects
of Asian film and popular culture that place films within their
cultural-political contexts and locate them in relation to other popular
cultural forms.  We are particularly interested in studies which utilize
cross-disciplinary approaches, examine different cultural forms and their
interconnections, and which transgress national and regional boundaries.
We welcome studies combining theoretical insights with rigorous
scholarship.  Under-studied cinemas, including  Filipino, Indian,
Indonesian, Korean,  and Thai; under-studied areas, for instance,
historical and critical analyses of regional film industries; and studies
of the relation between film and other popular cultural texts and their
transnational appeals and connections, are especially welcome.  Please
contact Poshek Fu at: p-fu1 at  or David Desser at d-desser at
Mail:  Poshek Fu, Department of History,  810 S Wright, Urbana, IL  61801
USA  or  David Desser, Unit for Cinema Studies, 3092 FLB/707 S. Mathews
Ave., Urbana, IL  61801 USA

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