self introduction

Janine Hansen jhansen
Mon Jul 31 06:59:10 EDT 2000


there are quite a few articles on Kitano and Hana-bi, even in German.

Here are some pieces I tracked down when I wrote an article on Kitano
for a new internet magazine called "Titel".

(  Sorry about the self-plug, but for those on KineJapan who read
German: "Titel" went online with a special edition on recent trends in
Japanese culture, mostly literature and some film-related texts. Here's
what they offer: Haruki Murakami: Gef?hrliche Geliebte; Banana
Yoshimoto; Kenzaburo Oe; Kawabata Yasunari; Das Haiku; Renga, Kasen,
Renshi; Samurai GmbH; VISUELLE POESIE; Lesestoff Manga; Takeshi Kitano;
Filme der Ekstase; "Yume no Ato"; Yentown (Film); Tipps; Musik at:  )

And now, on Kitano:

Kitano Takeshi: Respect at last? Hold your tickets; in: Japan Quarterly,
Vol. 45, No. 1 (Jan.-March 1998), pp. 4-7

Ishinabe Hitomi: The "Beat" goes on; in: Look Japan, March 1998, pp.

Aaron Gerow: A Scene at the Threshold: Liminality in the Films of Kitano
Takeshi; in: Asian Cinema, Spring/Summer 1999, pp. 107-115

Olaf M?ller: Augen-Blicke (Portr?t von Kitano Takeshi); in: film-dienst
Nr. 23/99 (9.11.1999), S. 6-9

The magazine "Meteor. Texte zum Laufbild" published a Kitano special
(12/1998) with a number of texts on and by Kitano

Mori Chiharu: Hana-bi fails to spark in S. Korea; in: Daily Yomiuri,
Jan.13, 1999, p. 3

Kitano interview: "Mehr Gangster als Anw?lte", in: Der Spiegel 26/98 vom
22. Juni 1998, S. 116-117

Dave Kehr: Equinox Flower. Takeshi Kitano sets off Fireworks; in: Film
Comment, March/April 1998, pp. 31-33

Emmanuel Burdeau: La tache dans le tableau; in: Cahiers du cin?ma, No.
521 (F?vrier 1998), p. 70-71

Tony Rayns: Flowers and Fire; in: Sight and Sound, Dec. 1997, pp. 26-29

Kitano interview und Hana-bi review in: Tip. Berlin Magazin Nr. 3/98 vom
22.1.-4.2.1998 ("Takeshi Kitano - Der letzte Samurai - Japans
Kultregisseur erobert den Westen", S. 36-41)

Alexander Horwath: "Alle halten mich f?r einen Gangster"; in:
Zeit-Magazin, Nr. 5/98 vom 22.1.1998, S. 23 (interview)

Norbert Grob: "Eine Frage der Ehre"; in: Die Zeit, 22.1.1998, S. 48
(Hana-bi review)

Kitano interview und Hana-bi review in: Der Tagesspiegel, 22.1.1998, S.

Hans Schifferle: Hana-bi; in: epd film 1/98, S. 36-37 (review)


There's a lot more to be found on the net. First, try the Kinema Club

BTW, Kitano's latest work "Brother" will be screened out of competition
at the Venice Film Festival beginning on August 30.

Hope this helps and good luck with your thesis!


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