your mail

Peter M Grilli pmg14
Thu Jun 1 12:03:23 EDT 2000

If you send me a fax number, I can send you brief program notes on
Narushima's "Seigenki."  It was included in a film series that I helped
organize at Japan Society (NY) about 15+ years ago, and I think I can dig
out the notes from my files.  Narushima is a fine cinematographer, and as
I recall "Seigenki" was his first film.  It is beautiful, a touch
sentimental -- but not overly so.  It has a wonderful score by my favorite
composer, Toru Takemitsu, who also liked this film a lot.
Peter Grilli

On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Jonathan Crow wrote:

> I'm struggling to find some info on a film called Seigenki (1973?) directed
> by Toichiro Narushima. Would anyone know where I could learn some more about
> this movie?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jon

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