
Peter B. High j45843a
Thu Jun 1 20:17:53 EDT 2000

<v04010500b55c091a6e12 at umich.edu> ??
   "Re:????????" ?????

> At 11:03 AM +0900 6/1/00, Peter B. High wrote:
> > Sorry to be so late in getting this information out to you:
> >
> Markus Nornes wrote:
> I think this is very good news. ............................
> There are an amazing number of foreign graduate students looking at Japanese
> film right now, and many of them are writing dissertations in Japan. I hope
> y'all make an effort to attend!

-----Interested foreign graduate students are most welcome as participants in 
and/or members of the Japan Film Studies Research Circle. ??????
The most exciting thing about the present era of Japanese film studies is the 
growing dialogue between domestic (i.e. Japanese) scholars and those from around 
the world. Hopefully, the Circle will develop into an important new locus for 
this dialogue. With its emphasis on younger scholars, the Circle could provide 
an opportunity for foreign grad students to meet and share ideas (who knows? 
maybe even develop joint research projects!) with their peers in Japan. 

---- One thing I forgot to mention in the original announcement is that, with 
official sponsorship from Nagoya University, presentations given for the Circle 
can be treated as "gyoseki" and therefore put on one's resume. It seems to me 
this would be of equal importance to foreign grad students as well.

----Unfortunately, despite our "official" status, we still haven't worked out 
the Funding Thing. Therefore, for the time being, participation (travel, the 
final Dinner, etc.) will have to come out of the participants' pocket. Free 
lodging, however, can be worked out if we are given advanced warning. In have 
already set up a network of "crash-pads" here in Nagoya and am in the process of 
doing the same thing for the meetings we hold in Kyoto. 


>>....next time around a bit more warning would
> be nice! (Markus)

----Oof! Mea culpa. I don't know why it didn't occur to me to post the 
information with KineJapan sooner. If I had the dexterity, I'd be kicking myself 
in the head right now. Sorry folks! But I promise to give a full report on what 
we achieve and plenty advance warning about the next function. (PBH)

----For those intersted in  joining the Japan Film Studies Reasearch Circle, 
please contact (in English or Japanese) Prof. Izumi Yoshida. Her e-mail address 
is :  izumiym at mxb.mesh.ne.jp

> PS: Peter, in the future tell me if there's anything I can do to 

-----You bet! First off, we need to get the word out to foreign film scholars...
I'll be in contact with you and Aaron in the near future.  
Peter B. High
j45843a at nucc.cc.nagoya-u.ac.jp

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