Japanese experimental films available for screening

Ted Mills mills
Mon Jun 5 22:37:54 EDT 2000


I know you're a very busy man, but you seem like the man to ask.

I'll be premiering my film "nowhereland" soon, probably August, and because
my film is only 30 mins, I'm looking for other pieces to show with it, and
make the program at least an hour. I like to give people their money's
worth, so to speak.

Anyway, I haven't seen too much local stuff that would complement my
picture (experimental narrative), so I was wondering if there were any
young Japanese videomakers out there with shorts that would jump at the
chance to have their film shown in sunny CA.  I know you were offering that
package tour earlier, but I need about 3 or so. Any ideas or contacts? I
could split any profit with them percentage-wise.


p.s. If I didn't make it clear, video is better suited for the event rather
than film.

Ted Mills
Santa Barbara, CA                         "From new transmitters
Stoopid ol' USA                             come old stupidities"
>>mills at rain.org<<                              - Bertolt Brecht

http://www.rain.org/~mills/stekki.html  STEKKI DAIYO! PROD.
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