Lost in Paradise Sea (Ignore earlier mailing; sorry)

Stephen Cremin asianfilmlibrary
Sun Jun 18 00:15:41 EDT 2000

I did see Hagiuda Koji's PARADISE SEA (Rakuen) a couple of years ago when it
played at the New Cinema from Japan screenings, following its presentation
in Toronto.  It's since played festivals in Singapore and Taipei before
finally getting a release in Japan this weekend.  I have credits, but really
can't remember much except that its about an old man making a boat.  I
remember Gavin made a defence of it on the list, but don't have a copy of
that.  Well, if anyone can remind me anything about it - privately, or on
the list - it would be appreciated.  And Gavin, in case you're reading this,
PEKING GENJIN is finally out on Hong Kong VCD!  (Another film that screened
in New Cinema from Japan that year.)

Stephen Cremin

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