
J Rand axis at
Mon May 29 04:31:42 EDT 2000

I am a new subscriber to Kinejapan.  Currently I am undertaking a Masters Degree at Exeter University in the History of Cinema and Popular Culture and am writing my dissertation on Japanese cinema concentrating on the films of Yasujiro Ozu.

As a single parent living on Dartmoor in Devon (beautiful but not very multi-cultural) it has not always been easy to see alternative cinema to the mainstream.  I have always had an interest in cinema that falls outside the American realist mould and have found over the years that I have particularly enjoyed the spatial quality and pacing in both Japanese and Chinese films (that I have been able to view).  I did manage to attend the Ozu retrospective at the National a couple of years ago which I really enjoyed. When I have finished this degree I am hoping to continue to explore the way in which Japanese cinema developed and has been marketed in this country.

In my experience it is not easy to view any alternative cinema outside of the art house theatres and it is the difficulties for this and the reasons that I am looking into at the current time.

I am also trying to get hold of a copy of Ozu's An In in Tokyo with English sub-titles - if anyone has any ideas I would be grateful.

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